Saturday, 10 December 2011

My draft double page spread

 This is the first draft of my double page spread.Iam happy with my story but feel that it needs to be a little longer because after doing extra research I have noticed that most music magazines have longer stories.Iam not sure about using a whole page for a image because it means there is less room for other important aspects of my double page spread.I will change this for my second draft.
 This is my second draft.Unfortunately due to my memory stick breaking I have had to start my work all over again which has resulted in it being very different.I managed to increase the length of the story but feel I have lots of improvements to make such as:the image is to bright on the face so I need to get a new one and the text should be in columns. 
 This is my third attempt at making a double page spread.I think that my double page spread is getting much better especially because of the adjustments that I have made.I believe that I still have more to make and Iam still not happy with my image and will try to improve this,Iam not sure if the pink looks right so I will experiment with other colour options to see what looks better.I have also decided that I will take my second image out because after trying several different images I have decided that it will look better with just one main image that is of a good quality rather than an image that is hard to see.
This is my fourth attempt at making my double page spread and is much better than before because I feel I have a strong image and have a good colour scheme which I can incorporate onto my front cover easily, which will create a feeling of Consistency.I have a few small adjustments to make in order for me to be totally happy with my double page spread, I need to remove the drop cap from my kicker resulting In the Becca standing out more, also I will move the writing off  my models arm and add a little bit more red in the heading.

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