Sunday, 11 December 2011

My draft contents page

This Is my first attempt at making my contents page which I am quite  happy with. I like the layout of text but think that the images are positioned wrong and feel like they are quite hard to see so I have decided that I will look into changing this for my next attempt,I also feel that there is a lot of wasted space around the page that needs to be filled.I also have a lot of typos to correct.
This was my second try at making a contents page.I have made lots of changes such as the background colour,putting images in boxes and filling the extra space with things like a web address but Iam still not totally happy with it yet.I do not think that my images are working and feel like I need to Adjust them in some way so I have decided to research the best ways of putting images on to my contents and have decided that I will put two large images down the side with page numbers on them like I have seen in lots of magazines.I will also follow Kaye's feedback and try to change the numbers to reflect a real magazine because I do not have enough pages.
 I have applied all the changes to my contents page and this is the result.I believe that it works much better and is finally coming together and starting to look like a real magazine but Iam not happy with the Image of Becca and feel that it is blurry and of poor quality so I will be changing it for my next draft.
I am really happy with my fourth attempt at my contents page I think that the image of Becca is much better than before.I think that I still have a few small details to add on to complete my contents such as a publishing address in the bottom left corner and moving editors comments into a more appropriate position.After doing so I will have finish my contents page.

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