Monday, 26 September 2011

Brief cover study

Today we worked in groups of four and looked at a magazine cover of our chose,the magazine we chose had a image of Beyonce on the front cover.We were asked to look at several things such as the:audience it would appeal to and why,what the text is selling,the tone of the front cover and to consider ideology of the text.

 Audience: We thought the magazine would appeal to 18-30 year old women,because the layout showed Beyonce and had a mature front cover it also made reference to children and other stories which seemed to be more relevant to women in the 18-30 age group.

Text selling:The magazine was clearly trying to sell the idea that women can be strong and independent just like Beyonce.

Tone and Ideology: As a group we agreed that the tone of the magazine is that you can be a strong and independent women if you believe and have  confidence in yourself. The fact that it shows Beyonce as an extremely successful female artist with her fist out punching gives the impression that she is strong, powerful and confident woman it could be very aspirational and inspirational.
I have decided to create a music magazine for my AS Media studies coursework.My magazine will be a pop magazine and also contain information of events happening at the moment like festivals/gigs etc. I will use bright colours to attract people,and big bold fonts that are easy to read but attractive.